Greyhound Pets of America – Houston (GPA-Houston)
is the Houston chapter of Greyhound Pets of America (GPA), a national non-profit organization. GPA National was founded in 1987 and, together with its nearly 40 nationwide chapters, has adopted over 100,000 greyhounds to homes throughout the country.
Established in March 1988, GPA-Houston was the first greyhound adoption group in Texas. For over thirty-five years, GPA Houston has been and continues to be dedicated to finding responsible and loving homes for retired racing greyhounds. GPA Houston is also involved in educating the public on the suitability and availability of greyhounds as pets, and to acquainting them on how this beautiful and noble breed makes an excellent and loving pet. GPA-Houston operates throughout the greater Houston area.
UPDATE: GPA Houston will be starting to slowly bring in dogs from Australia. Potential adopters will need to go through our extensive adoption process to find matches for the hounds. It is our goal to find the perfect match for both pet and owner. GPA-Houston is an all-volunteer organization with members all over the Houston metropolitan area.
GPA-Houston is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) public charity; our Federal Tax Identification Number is 76-0210038.
PUBLIC NOTICE: Membership meetings are now held quarterly via Zoom. Our meetings are held on the 4th Sunday of the month beginning January 28, 2024. Meetings begin at 1pm Houston time. Please email us if you would like to attend.
Website Reference Links
About the breed:
About greyhound health:
Local Veterinary Network
Blue Pearl Pet Hospice
Houston Metro Emergency Clinics
GPA Houston Greyhound Handbook
Greyhound Medical Idiosyncrasies
Bag of Tricks Health Tips: #1, #2, #3
Understanding Separation Anxiety
Greyhound Gang's Greyhound Guide
About greyhound safety:
Hurricane Preparedness & Checklists
Heat Stroke: What You Should Know
Lost Greyhound Flyer
Finding Your Lost Greyhound
About GPA Houston:
Make a Donation
The Greyt Wellness Fund & Monthly Pledges
Membership or Renewal
Membership Meetings
2023 Angel List & Memory Book
Business & Community Pawtners